Here are some recipes that we use fairly regularly and that folks might want on occasion. In addition, I’ve put up a pinterest page at the request of our future daughter-in-law who wanted to know what I like to cook with. Who would have guessed that pinterest is actually useful?
Because I cook, as my mother did, “au pifomètre“, when I wrote these recipes, my measurements were essentially random. Our daughter has been instrumental in providing feedback on what the real measurements should be on many of these recipes.
We have been following the “Plant Paradox” diet since early 2020 with a good deal of health-related benefits as well as significant weight loss. I will be adding more recipes that I use in cooking the “Dr. Gundry” way. They are marked with a leading asterisk (*) and thus sort to the beginning of this page.
One important piece of equipment for the plant paradox diet is an instant pot. A good timesaver in many ways, it apparently helps destroy the problematic lectins due to the higher cooking temperature that pressure cooking provides.