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Another Trumpetfish.
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Peacock Flounder in shallow water in The Bight.
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Trumpetfish with a Yellowtail Snapper.
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The Trumpetfish against a nice brain coral.
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School of Blue Tang.
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A bunch of Yellowtail Snappers with a big Barracuda under our boat.
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Two Stoplight Parrotfish supermales.
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Scrawled Filefish, The Bight. He's about 18 inches long.
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The same Scrawled Filefish.
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Porkfish (member of the Grunt family) at The Baths.
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Stoplight Parrotfish
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Barracuda at Marina Cay.
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More squid at Marina Cay. Want to hear about the ones that "got away"? Pete saw an octopus, Kathy saw a spotted moray eel, others saw spotted drums, a southern stingray, porcupine fish, and a red-lipped blenny.
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These Palometas wouldn't leave Ben alone in waist-high water at The Baths.
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Green Sea Turtle, for which Tortola is named, at The Bight.
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Same turtle, just below the surface of the water.
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Spanish Hogfish at the Caves on Norman Island.
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Allison, Ariana, and Kathy at The Baths.
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Stephen and Ross at The Baths.
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Squid (I think it's actually a Cuttlefish, though).
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A different Green Sea Turtle at the Caves on Norman Island.
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Houndfish below the surface of the water.
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Smooth Trunkfish.
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Inside The Baths looking out.
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Failed attempt to show the two nudibranches on the purple fan coral.
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The Black Durgon! At Money Bay.
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Trumpetfish, yellow form.
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School of Blue Tang around a coral head in Money Bay.
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Princess Parrotfish.
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